KB Cakes & Creations

Ohio State Baby Mohawk Hat April 15, 2012

Filed under: Crochet — Kristin Barrios @ 9:59 PM

We have these friends in Ohio…..they’re pretty cool :o) and we like to go and visit them when we get the chance. Always a good time. In March we were down there because Ali and I usually run the BBO (which stands for the Beer Bottle Open…it starts and ends….at a bar. Must be an OHIO thing….hehe!). This was my third year running it, and Ali has probably run it way more times since she’s from there and was on the track team :o) It was actually a NICE day in March for the race. The past two years it’s either been raining or snowing, and COLD! Always a grueling race either way for me because I usually don’t run during the winter and this is the first event I try to finish in! Anyway…..rabbit trail…

So, these friends in Ohio….they have some pretty wild friends and neighbors. You know it….you are! LOL. And they’ve always made me feel welcome when they all get together while we’re there. And for a few of them, this hat was made for their newest family member….

I also used a new idea for tags in my hats on this one. The tag is felt, so it’s soft and not noticable when wearing the hat. It’s hand-stitched just like the hat!

Pretty cool, huh?

I hope they all get to enjoy the hat when the little guy wears it :o)


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